Thursday, July 16, 2009


It wasn't until a few weeks ago that Jerry and I began to believe that the Utah trip might actually work. We had a superstitious feeling that we couldn't count on it or something terrible would happen.
But Saturday evening we'll be in Utah!

The logistics get complicated, though. First the gastroenterologist had to say that the ulcer seems to be in remission, or whatever it is that ulcers do when they aren't giving any trouble. He kept saying, "It was a really big, deep ulcer. And you didn't have a lot of pain?"
"Nothing that Tums wouldn't take care of."
"So you had a really big, deep ulcer with minimal symptoms. Just keep taking the two medications and we'll do another ERCP in August."
In other words, because I didn't feel much pain from it, there's no way of telling if the meds are working until he sends the little camera back down my gullet. But as long as my stomach doesn't hurt (and it hasn't since I got the new meds) I'll assume everything is fine.

Then I had the regular appointment with the oncologist. I can tell when Dr. Nickerson feels I'm doing well, because our conversations stray off into other territory. We spent most of this one talking about how hard it is to fly from the East coast to the Western part of the country (his parents live in Wyoming) without going through Houston or LA. So he apparently isn't worried about my missing a chemo.

However, because of the ERCP, I'll miss another chemo anyhow. So I had one Monday, have another the Tuesday after we get back, then miss one, then have one? Two? Three in a row? In any case, the next month is going to be so easy!

Another bit of logistics is remembering and packing the various meds that I need or should have on hand just in case. Jerry hates to check baggage and has a habit of packing at least a week ahead of every trip. He wants us to just use two overhead bags, and he packed his to show me that it will be possible. I seem to have more stuff than he does, though it may be because I have to carry the travel scrabble game. I got my bag packed just to see if it would work, and it does, though I'm not sure where to put all the different meds. If he carried them in his jacket pocket, would the Homeland Security people think he was a notorious drug smuggler?

I can't tell you how much I'm looking forward to the next week. I may not get a chance to blog while we're there but I will when we get back -- with lots of pictures.


Unknown said...

Can't wait to see you both! This will be such fun!

Anonymous said...

I can't stop my mouth watering.this is so fun.........


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