Wednesday, July 7, 2010

I was supposed to have chemo today....

My white blood counts turned out to be too low, so they rescheduled the chemo for next week. This isn't unusual, by the way, just a bit of a surprise.

I wasn't especially looking forward to the chemo. I may have mentioned that FOLFOX is not my favorite form of chemo. I'm not sure how much of the nausea and vomiting are due to it, but this will be a good chance to see if a bit more time helps. (Also a brand-new anti-nausea med, the fifth so far. It's supposed to be really good.)

So I feel like a kid who just found out that we have a snow day. The picture is also for all my friends on the East Coast who are dealing with yet another day in the high nineties. Don't worry: we'll all be complaining about the cold before you know it.

1 comment:

Katie :o) said...

Happy snow day, Lucie :o) I hope that new med works... always more fun to have you with us for the whole concert :o) See you Sunday! Love ya!