Monday, July 5, 2010

We played at Historic Deerfield as usual for the 4th, one of the band's favorite concerts, though I enjoyed it more when we used to play outdoors. Now we're always in the hall, which does make rainy concerts easier, I admit, and the acoustics aren't bad. Yesterday was beautiful, and Max, Anya, Miles, Jerry and I had a picnic after the concert -- many thanks to Anya for the great spread.
The last picture is one of my favorites. Max posed us, and Miles insisted that we both have "sleepy faces" for it.


Mean Mama said...

Wonderful shots!

grandma B said...

Way to go LUCIE! You look awesome in patriotic red.
I am so impressed you can play a trombone on a hot July 4th day. I have trouble blowing up a balloon!