Friday, January 9, 2009

Another bit of publicity

Sorry -- you'll have to copy and paste this link. I still don't know how to make it simpler.

Do I get angry about my situation? As I've said before, not really. If it would do some good, I'd get furious, but as things are, I have better places to put my energy.
Like getting angry at the people responsible for cutting the funding for research. I wouldn't wish this disease on anyone in the world, but I find myself wondering how they'd feel....

1 comment:

Blue Spruce said...

I noticed that nobody commented about the article on Patrick Swayze. Maybe if you had discussed an article about John Cameron Swayze it would have gotten more comments. Also, I think you confused people by putting a photo of Jerry next to the the blog entry.
As far as cutting research, I agree that cutting research is terrible, but there are so many stupid things in the world to get mad about that one could be in a constant fury if one chose to. Some of that anger might be directed in positive ways, like the women who were so angry at drunk drivers that they started MADD. Or the shunpikers, Luddites, Levelers, antiwar protesters and other groups. Some great writers, also, were moved to write to protest various conditions, like Gogol, Dickens and many others.