Thursday, January 15, 2009

Checkout with the surgeon

When did the people who go up to their elbows in your insides get so young? It hadn't really struck me in the hospital because I was so groggy, but on my final meeting with one of the surgeons who operated on the perforated ulcer, I suddenly thought, "This man could be my son" (though I prefer the one I have). I try to think of it as his having quick reflexes and good eye-hand coordination rather than impulsiveness and lack of experience.
In any case, since he and his partner did such a great job I shouldn't quibble about age.
Doctors get a kind of smugness shining through their professional veneer when they got it right, and this doctor radiated smug. He said that as long as I keep taking Pepsid, I can eat or drink anything, that I can do anything (I tried to get him to ban pilates, but he refused), and that a perforated ulcer, or any kind of ulcer, is unlikely, unless the cancer spreads, in which case it's a different kind of problem.
So I went to band rehearsal the next night, and if 90% of everything is just showing up, I did my 90%. And it was fun.


A-muse said...

Hi Lucie,

I just read the last two blogs-spellbound. You can sure "take a lickin' and keep on tickin'---- I am very happy that you can eat good food and that you are doing some of your previous to surgery activities. Mostly happy that you are happy. OXO

Arctic-mermaid said...

Who-hoo, regular food and band rehearsal. Most excellent.

So what is your band preparing for now? Any concerts coming up? What pieces are you working on?

All the best

chayah said...

Hi, Lucie,
I just recently discovered your blog and so happy I did --all the best to you,