Wednesday, April 29, 2009

A scare; but don't worry

Last evening during band rehearsal, I suddenly got about a level 5 pain in my mid-back. Very unusual. Luckily I had Tylenol with me and took some, then just sat out the rest of the rehearsal. On the way home I remembered that I hadn't taken the Pepcid which the gastric surgeon had said I needed twice a day. As soon as I got home I took more Tylenol and the Pepcid. Today I'm pretty much back to normal, and wouldn't even have mentioned this if it weren't for the questions it raises.

Was the pain due to my forgetting the Pepcid? I guess I'll know, if it doesn't come back, because I don't think I'll ever forget to take the Pepcid again.

Was it because of my trying to play for two hours without having practiced much lately? Okay. At all. Maybe I strained my diaphragm or something? Maybe it was just a muscle spasm?

Was it a physical reaction to the fact that the band sounds rather horrible these days? My internal critic in action? A community band has its good years and its bad ones, depending in large part on whether there's at least one strong member in every section to carry the rest of the section. At the moment, we're missing an anchor for trombones, baritones, tuba,and horn; and the trumpet anchor needs to have his psych meds adjusted again, I think. i.e. the brasses suck.

Of course, there's always the ultimate question. As far as I can tell from Dr. Nickerson, who answers any question but doesn't volunteer information, a pain at that level and in that place is only something to worry about if it continues.
Today when I go in for chemo I'll check with the nurse.

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