Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Any port in a storm

Okay, I wasn't going to do another port reference, but with the weather forecast for today including sleet, freezing rain, rain, and snow, I couldn't resist. No more, I promise.
Yesterday we got to Short Stay Surgery at 8:30. The nurse, a breast cancer survivor, had a port herself. She showed it to me and answered my questions -- very positive and matter-of-fact, which gave me more confidence about the whole thing.
Since I expected to be in and out in a short time, I hadn't brought my knitting. You'd think I'd have learned by now. The patient before me had a glitch in the procedure, so I lay on the gurney for almost three hours. I read Martha Stewart Living and wondered how I'd feel if my biggest problem in life was finding beautiful pieces of beach glass for a unique and rustic mobile.
Once I got into surgery, things moved quickly and without problem. Jerry brought me home and made tortelini soup, my first food all day. He takes care of me and feeds me well. I can't imagine going through this without him.
I felt pretty good last evening, except for the hangover from the meds, the sore back from lying on the gurney all morning, and the distinct sensation that someone had thrown a softball and hit me somewhere between my collarbone and my right boob. Oh, yes, that was the other thing. Usually they put the port in on the left side, but because of my previous cancer they had to put it on the other side. So my port is to starboard. (I know I promised. I lied.)


Arctic-mermaid said...

For shame, leaving your knitting at home. Tsk tsk. We've had this talk before,....

Glad you've got such a wonderful guy at your side. And your sense of humour is so good. You always make me laugh.

Take care (oh, and don't make me call the knitting police on you!)

Blue Spruce said...

We are all pulling for you. Meg is a good role model, longevity-wise, with her 90th birthday this week. And Travis is no slouch either; his Doc Horus must be at least 3,000 years old. Good role models, all. As you know, the pancreas produces bile and the word "bilious" is defined as irascible or peevish. You certainly don't need that. Whatever gets cut out will be no big loss. After you have your surgery, Jerry can be bilious enough for the two of you.