Thursday, September 18, 2008

Family visit

You may not hear much from me for the next few days. I'm hanging out with three of the most creative people I know -- and as I typed that I suddenly thought of just how many creative people I know. How'd I get so lucky?
My sister-in-law Lonna and her husband Dick are visiting this week. Their talents and skills are amazing, but I want to focus on the creativity piece.

Who would have thought you could make art on a kitchen whiteboard? Dick just casually did this.

I've decided that while skill, talent, and interest are all necessary, first you need the special way of looking at the world all these people have. There's Lonna's enthusiasm and the way ordinary scenes compose themselves into extraordinary pictures for her; or Dick's gentle but quirky way of looking at life; or Jerry's attitude of "suppose we tried this, and then we could ... and if it didn't work we can always try something else."

Dick and Lonna at the birthplace of Brigham Young. We deserve a medal for having found it. Talk about hiding things under a bushel.

We're having a wonderful time. I really do wish you were here.


Russ Germer said...

Beautiful picture of you all! Lonna and Dick, you made it. I'm sure you're having a fantastical time. We're looking forward to coming next month. My best to all of you!

jenny said...

sounds like you guys are having a great time. you are fantastic hosts! my dad told me what it said on that marker for brigham young. that is a crack up. love to all.

amy germer said...

Lucky! I love those guys too! And, yes they are so talented but, so are you!