Monday, March 24, 2008

Digestive difficulties

This post is what the British call a whinge, which sounds even more petulant than a whine. But I have to admit, not everything is easy these days.
The problems run from my taste buds all the way down. One of the first, and sometimes only, symptoms of the cancer is weight loss. It feels almost un-American to lose weight without planning or trying, but since October I've lost nine pounds. I'm still within the normal range, and despite what the women's magazines say over and over again, losing those last few pounds does not automatically translate into happiness (or looking great in a bikini).
According to the oncologist, cancer cells tend to put out a protein which suppresses appetite. We could make a mint if we could separate the effect from the minor problem of its being attached to cancer. In any case, eating has gone from being a joy to a chore.
To add to this, chemo affects taste in odd ways. So far, I suddenly don't like shrimp, green olives, wine or coffee; the last is worst, because coffee is not just a beverage, but a social lubricant, a way of jump starting my brain, and a basic part of my identity. On the other hand, for the first time in years I'm drinking milk. A psychological retreat to childhood?
At the other end of the digestive tract is elimination. Or not, as the case may be. The nurses couldn't agree on whether the chemo would cause diarrhea or constipation. If they'd set up a pool, the ones who bet on constipation would have won big. Let me just say that I used to think that "shitting bricks" was a metaphor.


A-muse said...

A-muse---Hey, Lucie, I wrote to you yesterday but it didn't show up---anyway I made a good joke but I forgot it at the moment. Yesterday's blog was an appropriately "happy" one. Today's---I knew it! I could tell when I saw you last that food was a chore. It's not fair to lose (temporarily!) gustatory satisfaction. Your body is craving fat and protien perhaps--thats why the milk? Eat what you crave--my friend who was a vegetarian suddenly craved beef--lots of it. When I wrote yesterday, I asked if you wanted to get together for a girls' chat. I'll have plenty of milk. And we can discuss constipation. Kiss--hug---A-muse

Arctic-mermaid said...

Prunes. Yum. Sweet and juicy and oh, they should help with constipation. Hey Lucie, I've been away to my camp. A time to rest and rejuvenate myself. And as your recent blogs suggest, you are coming up to a more restful time. So take advantage and slow down a bit. Rest.
hugs from your knitting northerner.

Heather said...

Try Colace. You can get it at CVS. It works during pregnancy when high iron levels cause constipation. Of course pregnancy is much more fun than cancer... :(