Is it the best thing since sliced bread? Well, at the moment I have 4 1/2 pages of books in my index, which comes out to about 48 books. The problem is that I've read most of them, so what am I going to read next?
There are a lot of free books out there including anything that's not covered by copyright any more, so I've reread Pride and Prejudice, A Tale of Two Cities, Anna Karenina , and tried Three Men in a Boat, which I thought was funny when I was twelve. It seems a bit strange to read a classic electronically, but a kindle is lighter than a 450-page bound book. Much easier to read in bed.
You can also get a variety of Harlequin romances, Christian inspiration, and the first book in a long series (get 'em hooked)for free. I've run across some gems as well as quite a few books I delete after the first few pages. (I don't know why I even thought that His Lady Mistress would be worth reading, but on the other hand Faking It was more fun than I expected.)
I'm trying to keep a limit on the books I actually buy, but Amazon makes it much too easy to click-and-purchase. I feel like the kind of 18th-century aristocrat who never had to sully her hands with real money and never knew how much she'd spent.
But on the other hand, books are necessities.
Necessities? Well, of course. Isn't there a way that we can get libraries to let you download free to the Kindle and then delete them after a month? Though I must admit my coffee table book load now includes 3 hefty hardbacks from Amazon because I heard the authors interviewed on the radio and couldn't resist.
I used to read a ton of books on my Dell Axim. I found it great for travelling with. No need to haul around several books.
Books are treasures in my opinion. Out of all material goods, I value books the highest.
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