Wednesday, June 18, 2008

This means it's working, right?

I have to admit, the past few days have been physically rough. Although the nurses promised me that if I wasn't feeling any side effects by now I wouldn't, they lied. The low-grade nausea has kicked up a notch, and I've had several attacks of almost-vomiting and one that happened. I've gone on the anti-nausea meds all the time now, which leave me whacked out. Also flu-like aches and pains, and the continuing exhaustion. Yuck.
On the other hand, tomorrow is the last day!


Lucinda Kruy said...

Boo, sorry you're feeling yucky. At least this came about toward the end of the treatments, and not any earlier. You're so close... hang in there!

Arctic-mermaid said...

You can do it! Mind over matter. I'm sending you some of the extra power and strength I have in reserve, because you are in need and you are deserving (wheee. listen to me. okay, I'm sure it is the hennessy cognac and it's my birthday). all foolishness aside - here's wishing you the cahones to get through these tough days.

jenny said...

it is crappy feeling crappy. i'm sorry you're having a bad time. hang in there. we love you.