Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Good, the Bad....

On the health front, the good is that I got my new brace on Monday. Not only is it better-looking than the old one (pictures will follow when I remember to charge the camera), but it is actually comfortable. I've been going around saying to Jerry, "Do you know what it feels like to take a step without pain?" "Yup."
I'm thrilled.

"Palaver" is Liberian English for hassles, for things that go somewhat wrong, for things that roil around and bother you. The bad is that my stomach palaver, which has been going on for a couple of weeks now, continues. I feel queasy some of the time and occasionally every day my stomach aches enough that I have to take Tylenol. It isn't debilitating, but it's damned annoying, especially because the pain is worst at about midnight to 2:00 a.m., so I lie in bed trying to decide if I can ride it out or should get up and take a pill, thereby waking myself up completely. Oh, of course. I can put the pills and the water beside the bed. Good idea.

In any case, I'm not asking for sympathy, and, in fact, feel almost embarrassed about even mentioning the stomach palaver. However, it's a part of what's going on in my life now.

1 comment:

A-muse said...

Since the stomach palaver is going on in your life now, you should report it on the blog. How cruel to swap foot pain for stomach pain. Am I incorrect in noticing that this stomach pain has been going on since the metal stent was put in? Is this pain still an adjustment to it?
I feel for you. With Love, Adrienne