Saturday, October 11, 2008


A friend told me the other day that she'd worried about me. The last thing I wrote was about getting a slight fever, and then... nothing. Well, there has been a virus going around, but it didn't hit me.
It hit my computer. When the computer started acting funny (very sluggish, not getting me where I wanted to be) my brother offered to come up and check it out, but suggested that I shouldn't expose anyone else to the virus and definitely shouldn't buy anything online for a while. Thus my silence over the past few days.
While Luther fixed the computer, I thought about this strange and unexpected calamity. Here I was, a responsible computer user. I never go into sketchy sites; I don't open emails from Nigerians; I usually (sometimes) update my protections. And without my suspecting it, something is eating away at the insides of the computer, keeping it from working properly, and, if not stopped, eventually stopping it cold. What a horrible thought. Much too close to home.
The good news is that Luther worked several hours' worth of magic, and the computer is now all better. (Wish that I could carry that metaphor over as simply.)
Meanwhile, check your computers. If I somehow infected you, I apologize.


Lucinda Kruy said...

Maybe your computer had a sympathy fever.

Ev said...

Good! Better your computer than you. Glad you had an uneventful week after last weekend.